Learn What We Do

Since 1962,  a group of volunteers, known as Performing Arts for Cyprus Charities (PACC), arrange, manage and act in a Shakespearean play.

Each performance is staged at the ancient Amphitheatre at Kourion (Curium) with the permission of the Cyprus Department of Antiquities, a stunning location for timeless plays that are timeless and present themes that are as relevant today as they were 400 years ago. 

Run entirely by volunteers, every cent raised that is not required to stage these productions is given to charities in Cyprus.

Over the past more than 60 years, charities have benefitted from over 1,900,000 euros in donations from PACC. 

We are not professionals in the theatre but enjoy what we do - on stage and backstage.

Seeing an audience engage with the cast and delight in what they see is to create a little piece of magic.
